According to Robert Frost, Poetry is when an emotion has found its thoughts and the thoughts have found the words. I never loved poetry that much, so I associated it with rap and called it rap instead of poetry, until recently when my mind was blown by this spoken word artist named Jackie Hill.
Jackie Hill gave life of my ears on poetry. To me poetry is no longer something I curl up to a cup of tea, instead I take it in through ear buds. One hears baleful cry regularly in the streets that people don’t care about poetry anymore, wait until you meet Miss Jackie Hill.

Jackie Hill is an American poet, writer, and hip-hop artist from St Louis, who gained recognition for her performance of spoken word pieces such as “ My life as a Stud”,” A poem about weed”, and “Jig-a-Boo” at the Passion of Christ Movement (P4CM).
Her spoken words have moved hearts across the world. An ex-lesbian, her testimony of redemption (from homosexuality) and grace has been featured by in variety of publication. I recently watched her spoken word “the fall” with her now husband, Preston Perry and I was blown beyond words. One word to describe it – Genius.

Adam and Eve let sin change the history of the world. Their inclination was to accuse each other. In this moving piece of “The Fall” Jackie and Preston takes you to the fall and how humility and forgiveness, no sin is too great to reconcile.

Jackie and Preston are a wife and husband duo who spread the word creatively together. The journey to Covenant featuring their story and Preston’s romantic proposal to Jackie is among their amazing work on poetry.

Below are the links to a copy of one of Jackie’s poem “A poem about weed” and Preston’s “Journey to Covenant” Episode 1.


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